Certified Biblical Counselor Program
(FAQ at bottom of page)
The Biblical Counseling & Discipleship Program at Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center (TILBCC) offers courses that many other programs do not yet offer. Our Certified Biblical Counselor track follows the same educational path as the other tracks, but is distinct in a couple of ways.
Courses are offered in two formats:
- Once the courses are completed, there are two open-book written examinations: the Theological Examinations, and the Biblical Counseling Examination. These provide the candidate with an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned by addressing theological and soul-care situations common to biblical counseling and soul-care.
- There are also a minimum of 50 supervised counseling hours required for each candidate.
- Level I provides education and training in the foundational aspects of biblical counseling and discipleship, and provides a solid base for ministering to the soul-care needs of the troubled and the broken.
- Level II provides more in-depth education and training in areas of counseling, pastoral ministry, and discipleship that are often "out-sourced" to others who are not committed to the sufficiency of Scripture and who integrate either secular psychology or hyper-spiritualism into their counseling approach.
Courses are offered in two formats:
- Live-streaming, or
- Online Self-paced
To get started, you will need to
(click on the item to complete):
1. Apply for the Program
2. Register for the Program
3. Pay Tuition
(click on the item to complete):
1. Apply for the Program
2. Register for the Program
3. Pay Tuition
Once started in the Program, steps to Certification:
1. Complete Educational Requirements
2. Complete Testing
3. Complete Supervised Counseling
4. Submit Certification Packet w/fees
1. Complete Educational Requirements
2. Complete Testing
3. Complete Supervised Counseling
4. Submit Certification Packet w/fees
While all courses are offered "a la carte" and may be taken separately, for those seeking certification as Biblical Counselors,
applying for the program and completing a special registration form are required.
applying for the program and completing a special registration form are required.
We hold that every believer is called to pour into the lives of others (Galatians 6:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14).
Some have been tasked by God to do this is in ways that go deeper than every-day discipleship and one-anothering. Sometimes, some of that "deeper" can benefit from a more formal approach.
It is exactly here that being equipped in Biblical Counseling brings enormous benefits to the relationship.
Also, for those who desire to be better equipped to counsel and disciple the deeply troubled and to do so more effectively using properly interpreted Scripture as the primary tool, our two-pronged program is available to accomplish just that. We invite you to look over our Certified Biblical Counselor Program and see if it would be a good fit for you.
You do not need a degree; you don't need to be professional clergy; and you don't need any previous counseling experience. You simply need a solid relationship with Jesus Christ and the very sure belief that God's Word if fully authoritative and sufficient for all matters regarding life and faith (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3-4).
All those seeking certification must be in complete agreement with the " TILBCC Statement of Faith," the " TILBCC Statement of Practice," the "TILBCC Statement on Marriage, Human Sexuality, and Gender," and the "TILBCC Statement on EMDR."
Those not seeking certification are quite welcome to take the courses offered for development in their own area of ministry.
Some have been tasked by God to do this is in ways that go deeper than every-day discipleship and one-anothering. Sometimes, some of that "deeper" can benefit from a more formal approach.
It is exactly here that being equipped in Biblical Counseling brings enormous benefits to the relationship.
Also, for those who desire to be better equipped to counsel and disciple the deeply troubled and to do so more effectively using properly interpreted Scripture as the primary tool, our two-pronged program is available to accomplish just that. We invite you to look over our Certified Biblical Counselor Program and see if it would be a good fit for you.
You do not need a degree; you don't need to be professional clergy; and you don't need any previous counseling experience. You simply need a solid relationship with Jesus Christ and the very sure belief that God's Word if fully authoritative and sufficient for all matters regarding life and faith (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3-4).
All those seeking certification must be in complete agreement with the " TILBCC Statement of Faith," the " TILBCC Statement of Practice," the "TILBCC Statement on Marriage, Human Sexuality, and Gender," and the "TILBCC Statement on EMDR."
Those not seeking certification are quite welcome to take the courses offered for development in their own area of ministry.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please click on the links below. If your question isn't covered or if you feel you need additional information, please send us an email.