Discipleship & Soul-Care PROGRAMS
Clicking on the links below will take you to where you can find Study Guides and purchase textbooks for each module
in each level of the program: Level I, Level II, and Level III.
Study Guides are made available as part of paid tuition.
in each level of the program: Level I, Level II, and Level III.
Study Guides are made available as part of paid tuition.
Discipleship & Soul-Care - Level I
BC01 - Foundations Part 1: Intro to Biblical Counseling
BC02 - Foundations Part 2: Dynamics of Biblical Change
BC03 - Hermeneutics
BC04 - Worldviews: What They Are, Why They Matter
BC05 - Whole-Person Ministry
BC06 - Unbound: Growing Ever-Freer in Christ
Discipleship & Soul-Care - Level II
BC07 - Marriage & Family Counseling
BC08 - Intro to Christian Mediation & Reconciliation
BC09 - Addiction & Recovery Models
BC10 - Crisis, Loss & Trauma Counseling
Level III - Counseling Specializations
BC31 - Counseling Survivors of Abuse
BC32 - Sexual Brokenness
BC33 - Counseling Children
BC34 - Counseling Long-Term & Dynamic Trauma