Welcome to the Truth in Love Biblical Counseling & Training Center family! Congratulations and taking the first step in becoming better equipped to minister God’s Word in discipling and soul-care relationships.
We have structured the Self-guided Option to provide students with the flexibility to take advantage of our programs and courses and adapt the learning process to their own schedules.
The parameters of the Self-paced Option for students that are registered for a formal training track are a little different from those students who are not, yet the way students access the learning resources for the modules is the same.
We have structured the Self-guided Option to provide students with the flexibility to take advantage of our programs and courses and adapt the learning process to their own schedules.
The parameters of the Self-paced Option for students that are registered for a formal training track are a little different from those students who are not, yet the way students access the learning resources for the modules is the same.
- Once you are registered as a student and tuition is taken care of, you will receive a “Welcome Email” from the Program Administrator. She will be your point-of-contact for everything that is not module-specific.
- Attached to this email will be a PDF of the Study Guide for the module you registered for, plus any additional resources that we normally provide for that module.
- Sometime in the following 24 hours, you will also receive an email at the email address you used to register for classes from [email protected].
- This email is an invitation to “Join CBC AT TILBCC.” This is the website that houses the video lectures for each session of each module.
- Click the Please click here hyperlink in the body of the email. This will take you to a login page where you will set your password for your membership access to this site. (Check your Spam folder, just in case it ends up there,)
- Click the “Continue” button to access the site. You will be able to choose from the pages you have access to.
- Access is granted to each Module and relevant pages as you progress through the program.
- You will also receive an email within a day or so from the Teaching Assistant assigned to help you. Your TA will be your main point-of-contact for everything that is module-specific and related to the training materials.
- This will also be the person you “Invite to Comment” for the Google Docs you create for your assignments.
- Plan on meeting via Zoom with the Director at least once during each module. A key aspect of being part of the TILBCC family is being invested in by the ministry leadership. (Biblical counseling is primarily discipleship, after all.)
- Time frames:
- 12-week modules we anticipate taking 15 to 20 weeks to complete.
- 10-week modules we anticipate taking 13 to 18 weeks to complete.
- If you need longer than this for any reason, please communicate this to your TA or Program Mentor. Depending on the circumstances, either adjustments can be easily made or other arrangements for completing the track may need to be put together.
- Special Assignments:
- Some of the modules have a practicum that is to be submitted at the end of the module. This practicum is often a major portion of the grade for the module. Some of these can be submitted as documents, while others are submitted as a presentation.
- Document submissions of a practicum will need to be shared with and have both the TA and the Director invited to comment.
- Presentation submissions will need to be scheduled with the Director well in advance (three weeks or so) of the submission deadline.
- At his discretion, the Director may invite your TA or one of the other instructors to be present for the presentation.
- Some of the modules have a practicum that is to be submitted at the end of the module. This practicum is often a major portion of the grade for the module. Some of these can be submitted as documents, while others are submitted as a presentation.
- Honors: