Module BC03 - 12 Weeks
Course Description
This course integrates both general and specific principles of Biblical interpretation and the inductive method of Bible study, with the primary emphasis being on the grammatical-historical-literary method of interpretation. The course will provide the student with a complete methodology that can be used to study any book of the Bible.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student ought to be able to:
Required Texts:
This course integrates both general and specific principles of Biblical interpretation and the inductive method of Bible study, with the primary emphasis being on the grammatical-historical-literary method of interpretation. The course will provide the student with a complete methodology that can be used to study any book of the Bible.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student ought to be able to:
- Define hermeneutics, exegesis, theology, and historical and literary criticism methods.
- Determine the presuppositions and prerequisites of biblical interpreters.
- Describe briefly the major historical and modern approaches to biblical interpretation.
- Discover common exegetical, hermeneutical, and logical fallacies in order to improve hermeneutical skill and avoid mistakes often made by interpreters.
- Distinguish between primary and secondary, warranted and unwarranted, and general principle versus situation-specific applications of a given text to real-life situations.
- Dialogue with other interpreters and other interpretations of specific texts.
- Demonstrate interpretive strategies (commonly referred to as “rules of interpretation”), which will assist you in dealing with various genres of biblical literature.
- Develop a passion for the careful study of the Word of God, which has as its end a life transformed by the wisdom of God through proper interpretation and consistent application.
Required Texts:
- Duvall, J. Scott and Hays, J. Daniel. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-on Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Fourth Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020.
- Bibles
- Translations we will be using: New American Standard (NASB), Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), and the New English Translation (NET) Bibles