Module BC31 - 12 Weeks
Counseling Survivors of Abuse
(Abuse, Neglect/Abandonment, Domestic Abuse/Oppression, Sexual Assault)
This 12-week module will develop the students' understanding of various forms of abuse and neglect prevalent in our world, their effects, and how to utilize various curricula to help bring healing to those affected, including the dynamic (though integrationist) Mending the Soul curriculum.
Course may be taken independent of the Biblical Counselor certification track, but you MUST register.
Those who successfully complete this module will be equipped to support the pastoral counseling ministry in most churches and be equipped to facilitate support groups for survivors of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and sexual assault.
Course Outline
Session One: Introduction | Helping Survivors | The Extent and Impact of Abuse | Steps to Healing
Session Two: Being a Community of Healing | The Predictability of Abuse
Session Three: Calling Things What They Are, Part 1
Session Four: Calling Things What They Are, Part 2
Session Five: Profiles of Abusers
Session Six: Portrait of an Abusive Family
Session Seven: Shame: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Session Eight: Powerlessness and Deadness
Session Nine: Isolation as Survival
Session Ten: Facing the Brokenness
Session Eleven: Rebuilding Intimacy with God
Session Twelve: Biblical Forgiveness; Self-Care and After-Care
(If not a currently enrolled in the CBC Program, you will need to register for this Module by clicking on the box below.)
- Application is made to most areas encountered by pastors and disciplers/Biblical counselors.
- Those who successfully complete this program will be equipped to support the pastoral counseling ministry in most churches and be equipped to facilitate both individual counseling as well as support groups for survivors of abuse, neglect, domestic oppression, domestic abuse, and sexual assault.
- To equip the student to do the work of counseling survivors of abuse and neglect from a scriptural standpoint.
- To equip the students to train others to do the work of counseling those impacted by abuse.
- To equip the student to understand the nature and character of abuse from a Biblical perspective.
- To equip the student to provide a safe and effective healing environment.
- To equip the student to affect Christ-centered healing in the counseling relationship.
- To provide the student with the opportunity to develop proficiency with various materials for abuse counseling.
- To model effective utilization of such materials both with individuals and with small groups.
Course may be taken independent of the Biblical Counselor certification track, but you MUST register.
Those who successfully complete this module will be equipped to support the pastoral counseling ministry in most churches and be equipped to facilitate support groups for survivors of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and sexual assault.
Course Outline
Session One: Introduction | Helping Survivors | The Extent and Impact of Abuse | Steps to Healing
Session Two: Being a Community of Healing | The Predictability of Abuse
Session Three: Calling Things What They Are, Part 1
Session Four: Calling Things What They Are, Part 2
Session Five: Profiles of Abusers
Session Six: Portrait of an Abusive Family
Session Seven: Shame: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Session Eight: Powerlessness and Deadness
Session Nine: Isolation as Survival
Session Ten: Facing the Brokenness
Session Eleven: Rebuilding Intimacy with God
Session Twelve: Biblical Forgiveness; Self-Care and After-Care
(If not a currently enrolled in the CBC Program, you will need to register for this Module by clicking on the box below.)