Module BC34 - 12 Weeks
(Biblical Counseling for Survivors of Long-Term and Dynamic Trauma)
Course Description: This course is part of the equipping for more advanced levels of Biblical counseling — whether individual, family, group, or church counseling is being done. The twelve sessions describe in detail the Biblical paradigm for understanding and addressing the complex nature of long-term and dynamic trauma and its impact on survivors' spiritual, emotional, and overall well-being. The course will cover a range of traumatic experiences, including long-term childhood abuse, domestic oppression and abuse, the impact of witnessing domestic violence on children, kidnapping, sole-survivor experiences, and the effects of living in violent communities.
Application for addressing trauma-related brokenness in the lives of those we encounter in most areas of pastoral ministry: from professional, to paraprofessional, to lay person. Underlying emphasis is on developing strategies and applying Scriptural principles to bring transformative change and sustained healing to the broken.
Course Objectives:
Quote from the professor: "We are going to equip you to be at least one person in the Church who will allow someone with the deepest kind of brokenness find the grace and truth of Christ."
Course Outline:
Session One: Introduction; Understanding Trauma and its Effects
Session Two: Biblical Model of Trauma, Healing, and Counseling the Deeply Wounded
Session Three: Trauma and Abuse
Session Four: Childhood Trauma and its Long-term Impact
Session Five: Domestic Oppression, Abuse, and Violence
Session Six: Trauma in Violent Communities
Session Seven: Kidnapping and Sole-Survivor Experiences
Session Eight: Complex Trauma Situations and "Dissociation"
Session Nine: Trauma-Informed Biblical Counseling Techniques
Session Ten: Developing Personalized Ministry Plans for Trauma Survivors
Session Eleven: Self-Care and Vicarious Trauma for Counselors
Session Twelve: The Church's Response & Responsibility to Trauma Survivors: Developing a Community of Care
Course Description: This course is part of the equipping for more advanced levels of Biblical counseling — whether individual, family, group, or church counseling is being done. The twelve sessions describe in detail the Biblical paradigm for understanding and addressing the complex nature of long-term and dynamic trauma and its impact on survivors' spiritual, emotional, and overall well-being. The course will cover a range of traumatic experiences, including long-term childhood abuse, domestic oppression and abuse, the impact of witnessing domestic violence on children, kidnapping, sole-survivor experiences, and the effects of living in violent communities.
Application for addressing trauma-related brokenness in the lives of those we encounter in most areas of pastoral ministry: from professional, to paraprofessional, to lay person. Underlying emphasis is on developing strategies and applying Scriptural principles to bring transformative change and sustained healing to the broken.
Course Objectives:
- To equip the student to identify trauma-related brokenness in the lives of their counselees and to be able to discover the cause(s) of that brokenness.
- To equip the student to do the work of counseling and soul-care for those impacted by trauma-related brokenness from a scriptural standpoint and to do so effectively.
- To equip the student to train others to do the work of soul-care in this arena.
- To introduce the student to differing theories about trauma and its effects within the helping community – both within and without the Church – and how to evaluate those theories from a Biblical paradigm.
- To equip the student to apply properly interpreted Scripture to whichever area(s) of trauma-related brokenness are encountered in the counseling relationship and to effect Biblical healing and change.
- To provide the student with the opportunity during the course to identify their own need for Biblical healing and growth in this area.
- To provide the student information on and access to secondary resources that are available to help in the specific arena of trauma-related brokenness.
- To model a method of evaluating the progress of counselees and the effectiveness of the counseling relationship.
- To demonstrate how a Biblical paradigm and authentically Christ-centered approach to addressing trauma-related brokenness impacts the individual, the family, the church, the community, and –eventually –the nation.
Quote from the professor: "We are going to equip you to be at least one person in the Church who will allow someone with the deepest kind of brokenness find the grace and truth of Christ."
Course Outline:
Session One: Introduction; Understanding Trauma and its Effects
Session Two: Biblical Model of Trauma, Healing, and Counseling the Deeply Wounded
Session Three: Trauma and Abuse
Session Four: Childhood Trauma and its Long-term Impact
Session Five: Domestic Oppression, Abuse, and Violence
Session Six: Trauma in Violent Communities
Session Seven: Kidnapping and Sole-Survivor Experiences
Session Eight: Complex Trauma Situations and "Dissociation"
Session Nine: Trauma-Informed Biblical Counseling Techniques
Session Ten: Developing Personalized Ministry Plans for Trauma Survivors
Session Eleven: Self-Care and Vicarious Trauma for Counselors
Session Twelve: The Church's Response & Responsibility to Trauma Survivors: Developing a Community of Care